2nd NSS/NParks Kranji Marshes Bird Trip

Contributed by Alfred Chia. All photos by Yap Wee Jin 20 March 2016.
Yap Wee Jin 2
The 2nd NSS/NParks collaborative birdwatching trip to the Kranji Marshes was organised on 20 March. 23 who signed up for this still sought-after trip were treated to a good show of birds on a sweltering hot morning.
Black-backed Swamphen Yap Wee Jin
The Black-backed Swamphen peeping out of the water weeds. Good to see it back.
We managed to garner all wanted species: Black-backed Swamphen, Common Moorhen, a preening White-browed Crake, Red-wattled Lapwing and a perched Grey-headed Fish Eagle. The uncommon but pretty Black-capped Kingfisher was also a good find. In total, we had 5 species of kingfishers. Besides the Black-capped, there was also the Collared, White-throated, Stock-billed and Common Kingfishers. In the reeds, Pallas’s Grasshopper & Oriental Reed Warblers were heard but not seen.
Common Moorhen Yap Wee Jin

Common Moorhen is not so common due to the loss of fresh water marshlands.

Both Blue-throated & Blue-tailed Bee-eaters provided colour to the morning while the air was constantly filled with the incessant calls of both the Long-tailed & Red-breasted Parakeets. Not to be outdone too were calling Banded Bay & Rusty-breasted Cuckoos while at the Raptor Tower, a lone Lineated Barbet called desultorily.


White-browed Crake Yap Wee Jin

White-browed Crake is another shy wetland species that is hard to see.

It was also at the tower where ironically, we had unblocked view of a single Black-backed Swamphen, seen feeding far away on one of the island in the marshes. Prior to this, while making our way to the tower, some of us had fleeting flight views while some had just one-two second type of look when it momentarily appeared from the thick vegetation.


BCKF Yap Wee Jin

Uncommon winter visitor Black-capped Kingfisher wintering at the marshes.

We ended the trip with 50 species of seen birds and another 8 species heard. All agreed it was a morning well-spent, sweat and the intense heat notwithstanding!

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